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THE NAMES OF SATAN (Eight) Rev 12:8-10
INTRODUCTION: In Rev 12:8-10 we see some names and terms used to identify Satan. These names and terms can be very revealing. I. THE NAMES AND TERMS FOR SATAN IN REV 12 A. The Great Red Dragon, the Dragon, the Great Dragon -Great [3173]: great or large in mass, number, quantity, etc. -Red [4450]: having the color of fire, red -Dragon [1404]: a dragon, a great serpent B. The Old Serpent- Rev 12:9 20:2 -Old [744]: original, primeval, old, ancient [see Matt 5:21 Ax 15:21 2Peter 2:5] -Serpent [3789]: a snake, a serpent 1. Seems to support the Jewish belief that Satan was the original or ancient serpent that beguiled eve in Gen 3:1 as does 2Cor 11:3 2. There are other Serpent Angels that are good- Isa 6:1-6 a. Seraphims [8314 OT plural]: a divine being with serpent's bodies, also Egyptian guardian griffins, called Serifs. b. Seraphims [8314 singular]: a venomous serpent, a flying serpent, or dragon. [Num 21:6-8 symbol of medicine, Duet 8:5, Isa 14:29 30:6] C. The Devil [1228]- False accuser, slanderous, Satan the prince of demons, author of evil, persecutor of good men. [see Rev 12: 9-10] D. Satan [4567]- adversary, one who opposes another in purpose or acts; the prince of evil spirits, the adversary of God and Christ. [Aramaic in origin] Satan [7854 OT]- an adversary, a superhuman adversary. Zech 3:1-2 E. The deceiver of the whole world- John 8:44 2Cor 11:3 1. Deceiver [4105]- to cause to stray, to lead astray, lead aside from the right way. F. The Accuser of our brethren [the devil]- (2725)- against one in the assembly, a complaintant at law. See Job 1:7-10 II. THE TEMPTER- 1THESS 3:5 [MATT 4:1 Acts 5:3 1COR 7:5] III. BEELZEBUB- (954)-dung god, Aramaic MATT 10:25 12:24-27 A heathen deity. By some Beelzebul is thought to mean ba`al zebel, the "dung god," an expression intended to designate with loathing the prince of all moral impurity. It is supposed, at the same time, that the name Beelze bub, the Philistine god of flies, was changed to Beelze bul ("god of dung") and employed as a name of the devil. Others prefer to derive the word from ba`al zebul, the "lord of the dwelling" in which evil spirits dwell. IV. WICKED ONE- MATT 13:19, 38 V. RULER OF THIS WORLD- JOHN 12:31 14:30 16:11 VI. GOD OF THIS WORLD - 2COR 4:4 VII. BELIAL-2 COR 6:15 (955)- worthless, Hebrew origin VIII. PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR-EPH 2:2 CONCLUSION: The names indicate an evil enemy of God & men. |
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