Bible27: Informational Web Site Edited & Maintained by Bobby G. Goodman Jr. |
“CHURCH” 600
1300 A.D. Monasteries- Communities engaging a solitary way of
religious life. Organized around
rule or teachers which regulate the way of life. practice self-discipline and
self-denial, vows of poverty, etc.. 600 - 726 A.D. Monasteries use the manufacture and
sale of Icons as a source of income. 742 A.D. Concubinage Common among Clergy- unmarried
man living with an unmarried woman. 751 A.D. Monastery holds King Pippin’s political
prisoners by order of the Pope. 900 A.D. Monasteries
made independent of local churches, directly under authority of the Pope.
Time of great immorality. 1100 A.D. Military monasteries train Knights for the
crusades. Time of Mystics. THE
RISE OF ICONS 500 A.D. - 843 A.D. ICONS - (image)
Icons are sacred images; the focus of prayer and devotion. Most commonly
a portrait of Christ, the Virgin, one of the saints, or an episode from the
Bible. The usual place for the exhibition of icons is on the ICONOSTASIS of an
Orthodox Church, but portable icons are also
carried in processions, set in roadside shrines, or
kept in the home. The icon is as essential to the Orthodox church as is
the relic to the Roman Catholic Church in the West. 500 - 600 A.D.
The icon as a special type of sacred image developed in Byzantine
art. Many stories from that
period tell of
miracle-working icons and of others "not
made by human hands" but regarded as produced by or descended from
heaven. Such stories
reflected and encouraged the veneration of the icon by many “Christians”
and led, not surprisingly, to a reaction by those who saw this practice
as little removed from pagan idol worship. 717-740 A.D.
LEO III blamed the losses to Islam on Christians who worshipped
Icons (idolatry) while the Moslems honored the commandments against idols. 726 A.D. ICONOCLASM, the prohibition and
deliberate destruction of religious images, became official Byzantine policy.
At this time the “Representative of Christ” was the Pope in the West
and the Emperor in the East. This resulted in a loss of control over the church by the
Emperor. 749 - 754 A.D. John
of Damascus defends and develops arguments supporting the worship of idols
for the Eastern Church. John argued that the holy icon through divine grace
partook of the spiritual essence of the figure it depicted, and, as the product
of the emanation of its holiness, constituted the essential point of direct
contact between the human and divine realms.
The Pope also supported icons as learning tools. 754 A.D. Council at Constantinople supported imperial
policy against Icons. Ineffective because the Emperor had his picture
worshipped while denying the same to Christ. 787 A.D. The Second Council of Nicaea. The veneration of
images was restored in the empire during the rule of Empress IRENE (a very
cruel ruler devoted to icon worship) Last recognized council by Eastern
churches. Dictated that idols
receive “honorable reverence” while “True adoration” is reserved for
God. 813 - 842 A.D. Emperors again fight against Icons. 843 A.D. John of Damascus theory and the support of
Empress Theodora and Emperor Michael III led to the restoration of the icons
which remains the Orthodox view to this day. Note: Iconoclasm was also
a feature of the Protestant REFORMATION of the 16th century. THE
The global Roman Empire was ruled from Rome. 324 A.D. Constantine transferred the capitol to the
East. The capitol was located at
Byzantium and renamed Constantinople. This
is currently the city of Istanbul, Turkey. 337 A.D. Constantine dies and leaves the Empire to
his sons. The Empire is split into East and West.
A series of dual Emperors starts with an occasional single ruler over
both East and West. WESTERN ROMAN EMPIRE
(Asia Minor, Palestine, Egypt, Africa) WESTERN
ROMAN EMPIRE (EUROPE) 337 A.D. The Bishop of Rome is located in this
region. 400 A.D. Many barbaric invasions with the West
being taken and freed. 410 A.D. Rome sacked by Alaric of the Goths.
A steady decline in Western Roman Power starts. 476 A.D. Germanic invaders end the Roman Empire in
the West. 477 - 750 A.D. The Bishops of Rome protects the
West by making treaties with the invaders and converting them to Christianity. 500 -1300 A.D. Feudal Society 751 A.D. Pippin
the Short gets moral sanction from the Pope for his takeover of the government
of the Franks (French & Germans). 754 A.D. The Pope anoints Pippin “King of the
Franks”. Pippin drives out the
enemies of the Pope from Italy. Gives the Pope civil rule over most of Italy. 768 A.D. Charlemagne (Pippin’s Son) establishes
rule over most of Western Europe. Expands
the Catholic Church by force among the people he conquered. 800 A.D. Charlemagne crowned as the new Holy Roman
Emperor by Pope. 800 - 925 A.D. Charlemagne’s family are Emperors.
Strong then Weak. 850 A.D. Pope claimed political power over civil
rulers. 962 - 1250 Otto’s Family are Rulers, Strong
Emperors. 1049 A.D. Emperor Henry III removes three rival
Popes and places his cousin on the Papacy. 1050 - 1100 A.D. Popes and Emperors struggle for
power 1054 A.D. East & West “church” split 1096 - 1248 A.D. Crusades with Pope assuming
military powers. The Emperors and
Kings conduct the wars for them. 1250 - 1438 A.D. Weak Emperors controlled by church
and ignored by most Kings. 1438 - 1806 A.D. Figurehead German Emperors of a
loose confederation. 1806 A.D.
Napoleon brought the Holy Roman Empire to a complete end. EASTERN
ROMAN EMPIRE BYZANTIUM (Asia Minor, Palestine, Egypt, Africa) 337 A.D. The Bishop of Jerusalem, Constaninople, Antioch,
& Alexandria are located here. 337 - 800 A.D. The Emperor alternately
controls and is controlled by the Catholic Church.
632 - 641 A.D. Islam (Moslems) takes Palestine,
Syria, and Egypt in Jihad (Holy War) Allow
people to keep religion but must pay a tax to do so. 717 A.D. Emperor Leo III states he is King and
priest of the church. 741 A.D. Islam’s advance is turned at
Constantinople. 726 - 775 A.D. Emperors persecute icon users, some
executed. 843 A.D. Emperor Michael III restores use of icons
to the East. 867-886 A.D. Emperors recover some land from
Moslems. 1054 A.D. East & West Catholic church
split permanently. 1070 A.D. Seljuk Turks take control of Islam.
They make pilgrimages to Palestine difficult for Christians. 1095 A.D. Eastern Emperor Alexius requests
aid from the West to recover Palestine from the Moslems.
West starts the Crusades. 1204 A.D. Fourth Crusade captures Constantinople
and establishes a Latin Ruler. Feels East has benefited from the Crusades but
paid none of the cost or suffered any of the loses. Eastern refuges
establish a temporary capital at Nicaea. 1261 A.D. Constaninople is retaken by the Eastern
Emperor. 1453 A.D. Ottoman Turks bring the Eastern
Empire to an end. They use
Constaninople as their own capital for their empire (1453 - 1918 A.D.) THE
- 1300 A.D. Marked by Feudal System -The
King- the highest ruler, waged wars, Governed the State, -The
Catholic Church was the greatest landholder of this age. -The
Lord provided protection, organize agriculture, Industry, trade, and served the King during war. -Freeman-
nobles, clerics, soldiers, professionals, merchants, artisans, and peasants who
owned their land without obligation to a Lord. -Serfs-
farmed, ranched a plot of ground belonging to a Lord.
Paid an annual rent in return for land use and protection. -Slave-
captured enemies (originally Slavs: hence slaves) 600 - 726 A.D. Icons in common use especially in the
East. 607 A.D.-Boniface III- Roman Emperor Phocas decrees the
Bishop of Rome as the Universal Bishop, later to be called the “Pope.” -Monasteries
become a powerful institution. -”Church”
now refers to the non-Biblical and fallen “Catholic Church”. The churches following the New Testament as well as false
religions are referred to as “Heretics” by the Catholics.
Since the Catholics control the civil government, these “heretics” do
not have the freedom to publish their beliefs and practices. Church history
becomes “Catholic Church” history. 632 A.D. Death of Mohammed. Islam (Moslem) religion begins the Holy War to convert the world. 717 A.D. Leo
III blamed the losses to
Islam on Christians who worshipped Icons while the Moslems honored the
commandments against idols. Iconoclasm starts. 732 A.D. Islam’s
invasion of Western Europe stopped by Franks 741 A.D. Islam
turned back at Constantinople 742 A.D. Concubinage
common among Clergy (unmarried man living with an unmarried woman.) 787 A.D. Empress Irene’s 2nd Council of Nicaea
restored Icons. Idols to receive
honorable reverence while “True adoration” is reserved for God. 843 A.D. Empress
Theodora & Emperor Michael III solidly establishes worship of icons. 867A.D. - 870 A.D. Many religious splits
over doctrine and territory. 897 A.D. Pope Stephen VI
desecrates the corpse of Pope Formosus 900-1100A.D. Simony (the selling of church
offices), fornication, corruption was at its worst.
Many noble children (11-12 years old) bought high church offices. 900 A.D.
Monasteries made independent of local church authorities and placed under
the Pope. 904 A.D. Marozia (daughter of Theophylact in charge of
papal palace) has her lover made Pope (Sergius III) 914 A.D. John X made Pope by influence of
suspected lover, Theodora. 931 A.D. Marozia’s son by Sergius III
(John XI) made Pope 955 A.D. Marozia’s Grandson made Pope
John XII, conducted regular orgies in the Lateran palace. 962 A.D.
Emperor Otto I makes discovery that John XII has slept with his
father’s widow, concubine, and niece, and turned the Papal palace into a
brothel. He was unable to do much about it. 964 - 1046 A.D. Variety of Popes come into power by
assignation, Simony, political power of the Emperors, with more then one Pope
claiming the Papacy at the same time. 1000 A.D. Term “Cardinal” came into use designating
a Bishop with exceptional understanding. 1032 A.D. A 12 year old boy buys the office of Pope
(Benedict IX) and is so evil the citizens of Rome drives him away from Rome.
The boy (Benedict IX) sells the office to Gregory VI 1046 A.D. The Tusculum Counts do not like Gregory VI’s reforms and place
Benedict IX back as Pope. At the
same time another Group established a 2nd Pope
Sylvester III. Emperor Henry
II got rid of Benedict IX, Sylvester III, and Gregory VI and put new Pope. 1050 A.D. Cardinals came to be the leading
Bishops trusted by the Pope as advisors.
Roman Catholics and Orthodox Church split permanently. The Roman
Pope excommunicates the Bishop of Constantinople. The Bishop of Constantinople
excommunicates the Pope. Both were in effect until 1965 A.D. 1059 A.D. Election of Pope by Cardinals instituted to
stop the selling of Church offices, Civil rulers controlling Popes, and
nepotism. 1070 A.D. Seljuk Turks take control of Palestine.
They make pilgrimages to Palestine difficult for Christians.
Previous Moslems had allowed pilgrimages. 1073 A.D. Papacy office systematized,
institutionalized, unified, clarified by “Dictus Papae” document.
Term “Pope” exclusive to Bishop of Rome. 1084 A.D. Emperor disposes the Pope and puts in his own
Pope. The power struggle continued
between Popes and Emperors. 1095 A.D. Eastern Emperor Alexius requests
aid from the West to recover Palestine from the Moslems.
The Pope, hoping to regain the Eastern Church's favor, starts the
Crusades. Establishes a Christian
“Holy War” after the Islamic “Jihad” and the Pope’s right to make war
for all Christians (Formerly the right of the Emperor). Ushers in the age of the “Knights.” 1096 - 1099 A.D. 1st Crusade; very successful,
recaptures Jerusalem. Makes the
cross the official insignia of crusades. 1100 A.D. Roman Catholic Church is very corrupt
politically, morally, religiously.
Loving power, wealth, sexual immorality.
-Beginnings of the Military Monasteries of Knights.
-Rise of Mystics, Catholics who claimed to have visions, prophecy, and
meetings with God and Saints. (950 - 1350 A.D.)
- Tanchelm denied the authority of Catholic church, the pope, the
- Peter of Bruys rejected infant baptism, Mass, church buildings,
-Arnold of Brescia preached against the Pope’s and Bishop’s
-The Cathari, a secret Gnostic offshoot of the Catholic Church 1147 - 1148 A.D. 2nd Crusade, To retake Edessa, Total
failure, Army lost 1176 A.D. Waldensees start. Peter Waldo
studied New Testament and tried to imitate Christ by preaching in poverty and
adhering to the New Testament. Although
considered themselves Catholic, they rejected the Pope and the Church of Rome as
its head, against Mass, prayers for the Dead, exclusiveness of clergy in Bible
study and preaching, the administering of Communion by clergy only.
Called “The Poor Men of Lyons.” 1179 -1181 A.D. Third Lateran Council
established a regular military “Crusade” against the Cathari, Waldensees,
and other heretics. First “in-country” crusade. It meet with little
success. 1189 - 1192 A.D. 3rd Crusade, To retake Jerusalem from
Saladin. (Robin Hood story about this crusade) Most leaders either killed or captured. (King Richard Captured). 1198 - 1216
A.D. Highest point of Papal authority. Innocent
III rules over Emperor, Kings, and Roman Catholic Church with an
iron fist. 1200 - 1204 A.D. 4th
Crusade, To undermine Saracen power, sacked Christian cities of Zara and
Constantinople. Pope did not
approve but Kings wanted money from East. 1208 A.D. Pope established the “Poor Catholics” who
imitated Waldensees to attract those who liked the Waldensees back to the
Catholic Church. Pope seeks to
eliminate true Waldensees by persuasion or force. 1208 - 1229 A.D. Pope initiates 2nd in-country Crusaded
against Heretics, very bloody, merciless to innocents, and effective. 1212 A.D. “Children’s
Crusade”, Supernatural conquest of Holy Land by the “pure in heart.”
Formed and led by Children Mystics. Children were drowned, sold into
slavery, or killed. Shipowners hanged for providing transportation. 1215 A.D. 4th Lateran Council Makes the doctrine of
Transubstantiation official. (Taught Bread & wine of Communion actually turn
into the body & blood of Jesus) 1219-1221 A.D. 5th Crusade,To undermine Saracen power,
Took Damietta, Egypt 1229 A.D. 6th Crusade, Regain Jerusalem, Treaty with
Sultan gave control to Frederick II. Pope excommunicates Frederick.
-Synod of Toulouse: Laity (commoners) forbidden to posses the
Scriptures, outlined and institutionalized “The Inquisition”
to eliminate remaining heretics. 1232 A.D. The
Inquisition instituted. An systematic eradication of heretics placed under
the control of Dominican & Franciscan monasteries. Went under the rule guilty until proven innocent, secret
witnesses, Torture; prescribed imprisonment and confiscation
of property as punishment for heresy and threatened to excommunicate
princes who failed to punish heretics. Active well into the 1800’s.
Still in effect if needed. 1248 A.D. Relief of Holy Land by invading Egypt,
Crusaders defeated. 1259 A.D. beginning of “The Flagellants.” marching
through streets, whipping themselves until blood runs. 1261 A.D. Byzantine (Eastern) Emperor retakes Constaninople. Next Lesson: "The Reformation" 1300 to
1800 A.D. |
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