Bible27: Informational Web Site Edited & Maintained by Bobby G. Goodman Jr. |
WHAT IS NOT WRITTEN JOHN 20:30-31 Introduction: The Bible, it is complete, unalterable, eternal, and divine not to be corrupted by human minds. (Why We Need The Bible) What then is God's attitude about WHAT IS NOT WRITTEN? I. WHAT IS NOT WRITTEN BELONGS TO GOD- DEUT 29:29 1. What is not written is a secret (5641) - to hide, to conceal 2. Those things revealed belong to humans so they can follow them- Psa 78:2-8 3. It is a secret until it is revealed by GOD- then it is to be obeyed-Rom 16:25-27 4. By Definition if it is not written, it is a secret and unknown by mortal man a. We have rebuked religious men for thinking they have a superior mentality and can improve upon God's Word such as John Calvin and his "Institutes" Job 15:1-14 b. This was the foundation of Gnosticism," a name indicating the assumption of superior capacity for knowledge (Gk. gnosis, "knowledge").(from New Unger's Bible Dictionary) …"Still a third source (of information) about Gnosticism is the New Testament itself. Many Gnostic teachings were condemned by the writers of the New Testament. Paul emphasized a wisdom and knowledge that comes from God and does not concern itself with idle speculations, fables, and moral laxity <Col. 2:8-23; 1 Tim. 1:4; 2 Tim. 2:16-19; Titus 1:10-16>. ..(from Nelson's Illustrated Bible Dictionary) 5. Trying to discover, recover these secrets is a crime- Col 2:18 a. Intrude (1687) - to enter, to frequent, to haunt, often to come into possession of a thing, to invade, to make hostile incursion into, to go into details in narrating, to investigate, to search into, to scrutinize minutely II. UNAUTHORIZED ADDING IS A GREAT CRIME 1. Commanded not to- Duet 4:2 12:32 30:5-6 Matt 15:6-9 Rev 22:18-19 a. We have rebuked denominations for adding books to the Bible, for adding creeds, for adding commandments and rightly so. Lev. 10:1-6 2. Unauthorized Speaking for God is a great Crime and following a false religion created by such is also- Deut 13:1-18 Matt 15:12-14 a. Speakers for God has to be accurate- Deut 18:20-22 b. Their Words has to agree with what was already written- Isa 8:18-22 c. Such false teachers teach rebellion- Jer 29:32 d. Jesus Put an end to Prophets- Zech 13:1-5 1Cor 13 e. We have condemned denominations for their new prophets. III. WHAT MAN OR WOMAN CAN REVEAL WHAT GOD HAS NOT WRITTEN? 1. What did the Seven Thunders say? Rev 10:1-4 2. What was the name of Adam and Eve's first daughter? Etc….. IV. WHAT MAN OR WOMAN CAN REVEAL WHAT GOD HAS WRITTEN BUT CHOSEN NOT TO PRESERVE? COL 4:15 1. If we allow members of the church to do these things are we not worse then those we condemn? Romans 2:1-11 Conclusion: Be like your Master, Jesus, and quote what "is written" (Matt 4:4) for authority and your actions before you end up not having your "name written in the Book of Life." Rev 20:5 |
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